How to refer a patient to Monash Children’s Hospital
Monash Children’s Hospital Specialist Consulting provides an extensive range of medical and surgical specialist clinics supported by multidisciplinary staff including allied health specialists, diagnostic services and interpreter services.
For referrals to adult Monash Health services, please click here.
For unwell children who need to be seen urgently, it is best to arrange safe transport to the emergency department.
For emergency transfer of unwell patients, health professionals will need to contact Paediatric Infant Perinatal Emergency Retrieval (PIPER) on 1300 137 650. Our accepting team would also appreciate a phone call to ensure we understand the child and family’s needs prior to their arrival.
All outpatient appointments are made by contacting Monash Specialist Consulting via the contact details below, with the exception of the following services:
- Respiratory and Sleep Medicine: 03 9594 2900
- Children’s Cancer Centre: 03 8572 3456
- Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre: (03) 8572 3054
- Early in Life Mental Health Service: 1300 369 012
Please visit the relevant page for referral details of these services.
All referrals to Monash Health are required by secure eReferral via HealthLink.
Find up-to-date information about how to send a referral to Monash Health Specialist Consulting Clinics on the eReferrals page on our website.
Phone: (03) 8572 3004
Each service and department have suggested criteria for referral and pre-appointment work up. To access this information for a specific service, please visit the relevant page via Our Services or refer to the table below.
Head of Unit
Referral guidelines
- We will acknowledge receipt of your referral within 8 business days.
- You will receive an acknowledgement of your referral once the referral is triaged:
- If you referred electronically via HealthLink you will receive an electronic acknowledgement via HealthLink
- All other referrals will be acknowledged by a mailed letter indicating that your patient has a booked appointment or has been placed on a waitlist.
- If you haven’t heard anything in 30 days please contact us:
- Adults: 1300 342 273 or email
- Paediatrics: (03) 8572 3004 or email
- If your patient’s condition deteriorates whilst they are waiting for an appointment, please
- Send an updated referral with the new clinical information and urgency, or
- Phone (as above) and we will ensure the Unit is notified of your concerns
Please note that we cannot ask for indefinite referrals. The duration of the referral is at the discretion of the referring doctor. The usual referral is for 12 months.
Paediatricians from regional hospitals wanting advice or to refer a child for inpatient care, should phone (03) 8572 3004 and ask for the relevant specialist or general paediatrician on call.