The Medical Therapy Unit at Monash Health specialises in treating haemoglobinopathies and is the state referral centre for thalassaemia.
Phone: (03) 9594 2756
As the state service for adults and children with these inherited disorders, we provide a whole of life service treating patients from birth to adulthood.
This unit is an outpatient and day patient service which operates Tuesday to Saturday.
The main objective of the unit is to provide specialist management, treatment and care for the haemoglobinopathy patient and to provide resources and education for medical, nursing and other health professionals.
The day patient service treats patients with thalassaemia, sickle cell disease and other haemoglobinopathies.
Treatments required for these conditions include red blood cell transfusion, partial exchange and therapeutic red blood cell apheresis. Blood sampling such as cross-matching is also provided in the day patient service.
Our outpatient service provides specialist consultation for patients with thalassaemia, sickle cell disease and other haemoglobinopathies. The outpatient service deals with diagnoses, patient management, assessment and counselling for transfused and untransfused patients.
Additionally the unit provides genetic counselling for patients in south-east regions of Melbourne.
Clinic appointments can be made by calling the unit on (03) 9594 2756.
Hours of operation
Tuesday to Friday, 7am-4.30pm
Saturday, 7am-3.30pm