Before you arrive
Prepare your child
A visit to hospital can be a daunting experience for a child. Speaking to your child honestly about his/her upcoming surgery will help to prepare him/her for the experience.
We do suggest you tell your child:
- why he/she is going to hospital
- what will happen when he/she arrives
- when and how long you will be staying with your child
- watch the appropriate video (below) with your child
You can contact the Child Life Therapy service on (03) 8572 3003 about how to best prepare your child for surgery.
Please ensure that upon arriving at Monash Children’s Hospital you have completed and brought with you any paperwork that has been sent to you for completion from Monash Children’s Hospital.
What to bring
Please bring the following items with you, to ensure your child’s surgery runs as smoothly as possible:
- Baby dummy, teddy and/or favourite toy
- Charged mobile phone and charger
- Nappies
- Change of clothes
- If your baby is formula fed please bring a bottle and formula for your child
- Medicare or Private Health Insurance card
- Please consider only bringing one other adult on the day
- Please arrange for siblings to be cared for at home or by someone else for the day
If your child is staying overnight, please bring:
- Toiletries for both you and your child
- Layers of comfortable clothing
- Books or other reading materials and activities for yourself
- Loose change or a phone card, and any numbers you may need
- A notebook and pen to write down any questions or information you need
Please do NOT bring any valuables into the hospital as we do not provide safe places to store these items. Please keep your mobile phone and wallet/handbag with you at all times. There is limited storage at your child’s bedside so please limit the amount of belongings you bring into the hospital.
What your child should wear
Dress your child in loose fitting comfortable clothes such as pyjamas or tracksuit.
Preparing for surgery
In order to avoid cancellation of your child’s operation please remember to confirm the operation day and time on 1800 786 188.
Please ensure that all of your contact details are kept up to date.
Please make note of the admission date, time and hospital.
View information sheet: Preparing your child for surgery
Questions regarding the surgery
If you have any questions regarding the surgery please contact 1800 786 188 and you will be directed to the appropriate Surgical Liaison Nurse. The Surgical Liaison Nurse will be able to assist you.
Illness or contact with contagious illness
Please contact 1800 786 188 in the week of your child’s surgery if your child becomes ill or within three weeks of the surgery if your child has come into contact with a contagious disease (i.e. measles, shingles or chicken pox).
If you are concerned that your child might be too unwell for surgery please contact 1800 786 188.
You will have been given a time to fast your child prior to theatre. This means that he/she cannot eat or drink after that time.
This is for your child’s safety and it is very important you adhere to this. Your child’s procedure will be cancelled or postponed if he/she has consumed ANY food or drink after this time.
For more information, please view our information sheet: Preparing for your child’s surgery – fasting.
Who to contact
Further questions can be answered by calling Elective Surgery Services on 1800 786 188.