Monash Immunisation runs a high risk immunisation service – Australia’s first all age hospital immunisation service protecting the highest risk Victorians.
Phone: (03) 9594 6320
Monash Immunisation runs a high risk immunisation service – Australia’s first all age hospital immunisation service protecting the highest risk Victorians.
This ground-breaking initiative at Monash Medical Centre, Clayton gives more than 10,000 immunisations a year against vaccine preventable diseases to children and adults at high risk of contracting these diseases or suffering complications. It is funded by a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria.
These patients include pregnant women, the elderly and children and adults with chronic health conditions.
Other patient groups targeted include dialysis patients, spina bifida patients, people including infants with specific cardiac and respiratory conditions, immunosuppressed adult patients and those awaiting organ transplant.
Antenatal immunisation to protect pregnant women and their babies is also offered. This includes antenatal influenza vaccination and our antenatal pertussis (whooping cough) program which continues to grow.
Nurse immunisers provide most advice and vaccinations but paediatric and adult immunisation physicians also provide expert advice and liaison with medical and surgical specialties.
Specialist adult and paediatric clinics for high risk patients are also available for patients with complex immunisation needs. Paediatricians trained in travel medicine also provide consultations in BCG clinics for those at increased risk of exposure to tuberculosis.
If patients and families are at Monash Children’s Hospital for other appointments, there is also a drop in clinic for vaccinations. Immunisation of healthy children not otherwise receiving care at Monash Health is not a target priority for Monash Immunisation. The service also vaccinates several hundred inpatients each year.
Monash Immunisation works closely with many hospital departments, the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria, the Royal Children’s Hospital Immunisation Service, and SAEFVIC (Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination), the Victorian Immunisation Safety Service. We are also part of SmartVAX, a nationwide collaboration ensuring safety of vaccines by documenting any potential vaccine reactions by SMS communication.
Monash Immunisation is open 8.30am-4pm Monday to Friday. It is headed by Nurse Unit Manager Joanne Hickman.
Most people do NOT need a referral from a GP or other doctor to receive a vaccination.
The following DO need a referral from a doctor: