Emergency Care

Monash Health’s Paediatric Emergency Departments are among the busiest, and most experienced, paediatric emergency services in Victoria.

Contact numbers

Casey: (03) 8768 1200

Clayton: (03) 9594 6666

Dandenong: (03) 9554 1000

The Paediatric Emergency Department, Clayton co-located with the Adult Emergency Department.

About us

Monash Health’s Paediatric Emergency Departments are among the busiest, and most experienced, paediatric emergency services in Victoria.

About 75,000 children a year present to emergency departments across three Monash Health campuses – Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Dandenong Hospital and Casey Hospital in Berwick.

Each are expertly staffed and equipped to see and treat children of all ages.

Dr Adam West is Monash Health Director of Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Monash Medical Centre Paediatric Emergency Department

The Paediatric Emergency Department at Monash Medical Centre, Clayton caters for children up to 18 years of age. It is co-located with the Adult Emergency Department at Monash Medical Centre, Clayton.

The department manages children with a large variety of medical illnesses and injuries, is accessible to the public and ambulance service 24 hours a day and sees approximately 35,000 presentations a year.

Children are assessed, treated and a management plan started in the Emergency Department.

Most children can go home after treatment in the Emergency Department.  Some children require admission to hospital. Many children requiring admission are admitted to Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton. The Emergency Department will be linked to the new Monash Children’s Hospital by a connecting corridor that allows easy access to wards, theatre and paediatric intensive care.

Some children are admitted to Dandenong or Casey hospitals which also offer some speciality services. Our staff are experienced, dedicated and friendly, and strive to ensure all children receive the highest level of care at all times. We keep in close contact with your child’s family doctors.

Dandenong Hospital Emergency Department

Dandenong Hospital Emergency Department is a mixed emergency department that sees adults and children. Dandenong emergency sees about 18,000 children each year. Children are seen by experienced staff in the emergency department and if necessary their case is discussed with our paediatricians. Children can be admitted to the ward at Dandenong Hospital but some need to be transferred to Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton or Casey Hospital. The staff are dedicated and friendly and strive to ensure all children receive the highest level of care at all times.  We keep in close contact with your child’s family doctors.

Casey Hospital Emergency Department

Casey Hospital Emergency Department sees adults and children. About 22,000 children present to the Casey emergency department each year. The children are seen by experienced staff in the emergency department and if necessary their case is discussed with our paediatricians. Children can be admitted to the ward at Casey Hospital but some need to be transferred to Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton or Dandenong Hospital. The staff are dedicated and friendly, and strive to ensure all children receive the highest level of care at all times. We maintain close contact with your child’s family doctors.


Click here to order the Paediatric Emergency Medication book for clinicians. 

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