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Discharge process
Discharge can be a time of mixed emotions where parents are pleased to be taking their child home yet apprehensive about the care they may need in the early days of recovery.
A decision to send a child home is one that is not made lightly. Staff will only send your child home when they are comfortable that he/she is well or can have his/her medical and nursing needs met in the home.
Prior to discharge, staff will ensure that you are equipped to handle the ongoing care of your child. This may involve changing dressings or administering medication, as well as attending follow up appointments either through your General Practitioner or our Outpatients Department.
Your child’s General Practitioner will also be sent a summary of your time in hospital for his/her records.
Recovery at home
Following the discharge plan
A discharge summary will be given to you prior to your child leaving the hospital, which will include all of the additional information you may need. We encourage you to read through this thoroughly and ask any questions prior to leaving the hospital, to ensure that you’re comfortable with the information provided.
Who to contact
If a follow up appointment is required you will be given the contact details for the medical team or outpatient clinic that you will need to attend for the appointment.
If a follow up appointment is not required you should contact your General Practitioner of paediatrician should you have any questions or concerns.